Thursday morning , 11/16/2023, a discussion of the master’s thesis entitled “The Impact of the Use of Anti-Personnel Landmines on the Principles of Proportionality and Distinction / A Study in International Humanitarian Law” by researcher (Mohammed Nizar Abdel Hussein) took place in the large conference hall in College of Law – Al-Nahrain University

The discussion committee was formed with …

1 – Prof. Dr. Haider Adham Abdel Hadi ((Chairman))
2 – Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Razzaq Hedham ((Member))
3 – A.M.D. Ahmed Shaker Salman ((Member))
4 – Prof. Dr. Maha Mohammed Ayoub ((member and supervisor))

After discussion by the committee, it decided to accept the thesis after making amendments to it and recommending granting the certificate with a grade of “very good.”

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